Child protection
Best interests of the child: The Convention on the Rights of the Child states that in all decisions affecting children, the various possible solutions must be considered and that the best interests of the child must be a primary consideration. This principle applies immediately to orphans and vulnerable children when it comes to making decisions about their well-being and their future.
Placement services for children without familiesThe mechanisms allowing the placement of certain children in foster families have been adopted. Households managed by children receive special supervision by volunteers called Nkundabana (I love children). They carry out regular daily follow-ups to regularly meet the needs of the children
Judicial protectionAbuse, exploitation and violations of the right to inheritance increasingly threaten orphans and vulnerable children. The community has an extremely vital role to play in this regard. APESEK works in collaboration with the local authorities and the community for monitoring and, if necessary, alerting the higher authority and/or the justice system. Mechanisms to facilitate teenage mothers to register their children in the birth register have been taken and applied.